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SIEMENS 3RR24433AA40 реле контроля тока для IO-LINK, для монтажа на

SIEMENS 3RR24433AA40 реле контроля тока для IO-LINK, для монтажа на


Артикул: 3RR24433AA40
Торговая марка: 3RR
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РЕЛЕ КОНТРОЛЯ ТОКА ДЛЯ IO-LINK, ДЛЯ МОНТАЖА НА КОНТАКТОР 3RT2, ТИПОРАЗМЕР S2, ЦИФРОВАЯ РЕГУЛИРОВКА ПАРАМЕТРОВ, С ЖКД, КОНТРОЛЬ ПОЛНОГО ТОКА/АКТИВНОЙ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩЕЙ ТОКА 8 - 80A, 20-400 ГЦ, 3-Ф. ПИТАНИЕ 24 V DC, 1 П КОНТАКТ, КОНТРОЛЬ ПРЕВЫШЕНИЯ/ ПОНИЖЕНИЯ ТОКА, ВЫПАДЕНИЯ ФАЗЫ, ОБРЫВА ПРОВОДА, ЧЕРЕДОВАНИЯ ФАЗ, БЛОКИРОВКИ РОТОРА ЭЛЕКТРОДВИГАТЕЛЯ, КОНТРОЛЬ ТОКА УТЕЧКИБ, СЧЕТЧИК ЧАСОВ РАБОТЫ , ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ И СИГНАЛИЗАЦИЯ ПРИ ДОСТИЖЕНИИ ПОРОГОВЫХ ЗНАЧЕНИЙ, ЗАДЕРЖКА ВКЛ. 0-999.9 С., ЗАДЕРЖКА ОТКЛ 0-999.9С, ЗАДЕРЖКА ПЕРЕЗАПУСКА 0-999.9 МИН, ПРУЖИННЫЕ КЛЕММЫ Monitoring relays SIRIUS 3RR2 for plugging into SIRIUS 3RT2 contactors or for stand-alone installation for multi-phase current monitoring of the entire plant or of the driven process. The reliable monitoring for cable break, phase failure / sequence, fault current, motor blocking etc. ensures increased plant availability. Actual value displays, status messages and clear error messages permit fast and reliable diagnostics. The connection to the control via IO-Link is also possible. You also save money, as only one device is needed to monitor a motor along the entire torque curve and no separate current converter is required either. Thanks to the direct attachment to the 3RT2 contactors there is no additional wiring expense in the main circuit. You also benefit from the wide-range power supplies for global use. Analogically adjustable, 2-phase versions and digitally adjustable, 3-phase versions (with or without IO-Link) are available, each in three sizes with different current measuring ranges, with two different supply voltages and two types of connection. Matching holders are available for the stand-alone installation of the 3RR2 monitoring relays. SIRIUS relays - one range for every application.

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